360º Virtual Tours for Schools Budget - 360 Marketing Lab Skip to content
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Published 23 November 2021

Category Schools

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With such a new product to the market for schools, it's hard to gauge what this should cost. Read how you can determine your budget for a project. The better question is...how much is it worth to me?

360º Virtual Tours for Schools

How much money should you Budget

There are plenty of factors when considering how to budget for a 360 virtual tour for your school. There is no right answer, however, use this guide to determine a few key variables and you will be on the right track for your needs. You will see below that time, resource and skill will determine cost. The skills required for an excellent tour will be photography, post-production, design, tour building, UX/UI and school digital marketing are all key skills needed to build a 360 virtual tour for a school and the budget you allocate needs to reflect that need for skill.


Camera type usually indicates quality of tour

Design and content

What does this all mean?

Well, how long is that piece of string? In summary, a 360º virtual tour project budget should be ‘up there’ in your big spends for the year. Quality matters, design matters, the experience matters. Budget more than a prospectus, as much as a film and maybe even as much as a website. For all intents and purposes, a virtual tour is its own website, made with your prospective audience in mind. A more comprehensive document on choosing a provider can be found here.

“You get what you pay for…” . Website, video, prospectus are designed products for school’s digital marketing toolkit. Your tour needs to be of the same quality and budgeted for accordingly.

Taralyn Cox, 360 Marketing Lab
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